Lessons Learned From a Rollover Car Accident Attorney – The 7 Factors That Matter Most in These Deadly Situations
Updated 1/02/21 – Published by: Igor Shapiro
Hiring a Rollover Car Accident Attorney
Car accidents are one of the most prevalent causes of injury in the United States, and they are an experience that almost everyone can relate to. In contrast, while most drivers are accustomed to parking lot incidents, minor fender benders, and even more extensive but not severe accidents, rollover accidents are a very different story. Indeed, rollover collisions are incredibly infrequent, and when they do occur, the consequences can be extremely serious.
Experiential car accident attorneys can look into all of the variables, assist you in gathering crucial evidence, and, if required, pursue legal action against other drivers’ vehicle manufacturers, municipal authorities, and other parties who may be wholly or partially at fault. A rollover crash may be devastating, and our experienced Seattlerollover car accident attorneys understand the magnitude of the damages you have suffered as a result of your accident. Contact us today for a free consultation! When you contact our firm, we will do a full investigation into your case to determine why your accident occurred, the extent of your damages, and your best options for obtaining the highest settlement amount available to you.
The Deadly Nature of Rollover Car Accidents
As a result of the sheer violence of rollover occurrences and the fact that they typically result in following hits, they can be fatal. Accordinrare and lethal are two words that come to mind. The fatality rate for these hazardous events is significantly higher than the 2.1 percent incidence for rollovers. However, even though rollover collisions accounted for only 2.1 percent of all vehicle occurrences, they were responsible for 35 percent of all fatalities in passenger vehicles collisions in 2010.
Rollovers are common in light passenger cars, such as sport-utility vehicles and crossovers. In some cases, “tripping” is the cause of a rollover accident. It occurs when a car’s tire collides with anything, such as a curb, bump, or soft solid, which causes the car’s forward motions to be disrupted, causing it to roll forwards or sideways. Other factors contributing to a rollover include inadequate vehicle design, hazardous driving conditions, and protective tires. Larger vehicles, such as SUVs and minivans, have a higher center of gravity than ordinary passenger cars and are more likely to toll, mainly if the vehicle is poorly constructed. Furthermore, the carelessness of other drivers or unfavorable weather conditions can increase the likelihood of a rollover occurring.
Why Rollover Accidents Are So Dangerous
Depending on the circumstances, a rollover could result in the car landing on its roof, on its side, or entirely flipping over. A rollover accident results in the death of many drivers and passengers. Many survivors suffer catastrophic or severe injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractured bones, and organ damage resulting from the attack. It’s easy to understand why rollover accidents are so dangerous: the consequences of a vehicle flipping over, possibly numerous times, will be catastrophic. While there are a variety of factors that can result in injuries to vehicle occupants during a rollover collision, including broken glass, objects entering the window/windshield and penetrating or hitting occupants, traumatic brain injuries from the rolling/shaking, and crush injuries, the most severe threat to occupants is being thrown from the vehicle during the collision. The truth is that, according to the data cited above, 69 percent of the people who died in rollover crashes were not wearing their seatbelts at the time of the accident. Individuals may not be ejected from a car if they are not wearing a seatbelt, but the danger of injury while within the vehicle increases dramatically.
Causes of Rollover Accidents
Contrary to popular opinion, the type of vehicle a motorist is driving is not the best predictor of whether or not they would be engaged in a rollover incident. In truth, all cars can be involved in rollover incidents, and while vehicle type can play a part in the probability of a rollover, driver actions and environmental factors have the greatest impact on rollover risk. According to a list produced by the United States Department of Transportation, the following factors contribute to the danger of rollovers:
- Rollover car accident attorney: Driver Control. Rollover accidents are most frequently caused by a motorist losing control of their car. Drivers who fall asleep at the wheel, use their phones, or engage in other forms of distracted driving may find themselves losing their concentration and control. When a car collides with a curb or other impediment on the road, that may throw off the vehicle’s center of gravity.
- Rollover car accident attorney: Vehicle Type. Because of their higher center of gravity, taller vehicles such as SUVs and large vans are more likely to be involved in a rollover crash than smaller cars.
- Rollover car accident attorney: Location. Accidents involving a rollover are most common in rural locations because rural roads are less likely to have obstacles and to be unequally divided.
- Rollover car accident attorney: Speed. The greater the speed at which a vehicle is traveling, the greater the likelihood of being involved in a rollover accident. In fact, the majority of deadly rollover accidents are caused by excessive speed. A motorist’s capacity to control a vehicle is considerably diminished while traveling at excessive speeds.
- Rollover car accident attorney: Alcohol use. Alcohol use raises the likelihood of all sorts of accidents, including rollover collisions, and rollover collisions are not an exception. A driver that is under the influence of alcohol is involved in around half of all rollover collisions.
- Rollover car accident attorney: Risky Maneuvers. Another prominent cause of rollovers is aggressive driving, which includes unsafe movements like taking turns on the highway or swerving fast while driving. The friction between the tires and the road surface might cause the car to tip to one side and flip over if the maneuver is performed too quickly. This is especially true for vans, trucks, and other substantially laden vehicles.
- Rollover car accident attorney: Multi-vehicle crashes. Rollovers occur most frequently in single-vehicle accidents; multi-vehicle accidents are less prevalent. However, the car can roll if it is struck side-on and forced over by the force of the oncoming vehicle. Most of the time, vehicles will collide with a guardrail or other object, which will cause them to roll over.
Rollover collisions can be caused by the negligence of another motorist in certain circumstances. Changing lanes illegally, for example, may induce another vehicle to swerve suddenly to avoid a collision, which may result in an accident that causes a vehicle to roll over. Another factor contributing to a rollover tragedy is insufficient signage warning of an abrupt bend and directing drivers to slow down. Another factor is a lack of guardrails. Road hazards such as debris might increase the likelihood of a rollover even more significantly than before.
Recovering Compensation for Damages Incurred in Your Rollover Crash
You’ve likely been injured in a rollover accident, and property loss may be the least of your concerns in this situation. Although not invariably fatal, injuries sustained in a rollover accident are frequently severe. You may be dealing with external or internal injuries such as bone fractures, traumatic brain injury, soft tissue injuries, back and neck injuries, or even something more serious such as amputation or spinal cord injury, among other things. These injuries may prevent you from engaging in the activities that you find most enjoyable in life, from working, or even from leading an everyday and independent life. You do not have to rely on the help and care provided by others. There’s also a possibility that you’ll lose your job, incur expensive medical expenditures, or have other financial difficulties.
It is vital to determine who was at fault if you were involved in a rollover accident in Seattle to receive compensation. When determining the reasonableness of an accident and who is liable for the crash in Washington, all parties who are at blame are considered. In our investigation, we will look into all potentially liable parties, including a government entity in charge of road maintenance, another negligent driver, a manufacturer of a vehicle fault, and others. We analyze the precise cause of your accident to obtain the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.
Call a Rollover Car Accident Attorney in Seattle Today
We encourage you to contact us immediately if you have been involved in a rollover accident and are concerned about your future and what will happen next. We will provide you with a free consultation about your choices and how our legal team can assist you. We have extensive experience in obtaining substantial settlements on our clients’ behalf.
As part of the Law Office of Igor A. Shapiro, we fight back and battle to obtain you the best settlement possible and get you the maximum compensation for your pain & suffering. Just a few clicks on our website or a quick phone call and you can get this done for you process started. Contact us today 425-264-2000