Probation Violations

Law Office of Igor A. Shapiro


We are proud to say our team has extensive experience in successfully representing clients for probation violations. Please feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions. Get a free consultation today.


What happens if you violate probation:

Breaking any of the rules or conditions set in a probation order at any time during the probation period is considered a violation. If a probation officer learns that a person has violated their parole, they can issue a probation violation warning or require attendance to a probation violation hearing.

If a judge rules that the terms of probation have been violated, a person can face additional terms to their probation, expensive fines, a revoked probation, jail time, or more. If you think you have violated your probation, you should immediately consult with an attorney.

Rights you have at a probation revocation hearing:

At a revocation hearing, the prosecuting attorney has to prove that the person accused of violating their parole, more likely than not, violated a term or condition contained in the probation order. A defendant has the right to be informed about any new charges against them and can present evidence before a neutral judge that might support their defense case or discredit the evidence brought against them.

A probation hearing doesn’t guarantee jail time:

Having your probation revoked does not mean you will automatically be sent to jail. A judge has a few alternative options they can use during sentencing. A judge can add more time to the probation order, impose additional fines, or require counseling or other treatment programs. A judge can also order a brief jail sentence or require the entire original sentence to be served. Bail hearings can be requested for probation violations as well.

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